Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Oral Blog Portfolio Post Entry Seven Diploma Lecture 2

Helping others was the topic of the lecture which given by Dave Griffiths on week nine. Basically he mentioned about a First Aid.

He taught us what we should do before helping others and how we should react: The first step is to STOP, THINK... am I safe?, BARRIERS then MOVE. Then talk to a person by saying are you alright, tell them your name, I am here to help you. Following that look, listen, and feel if needed call an Ambulance for help by dialling 111 however, you have to help the person till the Ambulance officers arrive they might take about 35 minutes to arrive. He also told us we don't have to use any medical treatment to help them but we should give them the kiss of life or a CPR (cardio pulmonary resuscitate). When we give CPR we should give them different treatment according to their age for instance, for an adult you should use two hands, for a child one hand and for an infant is two fingers and for all of them 30 compressions.

Accident can happen any where and any time for example, they could happen when we are driving, when we are sitting at home or studying at school. So having First Aid experience is very useful to help our family, friends and ourselves.

I really like the way Dave presented the topic because he is very funny man.

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